Hello, everyone!
It’s a pleasure to welcome you to my travel blog. My name is Brenda Battles, and here I talk about the most beautiful art centers in the world, more than half of which I have visited personally.
Exploring art while traveling often risks turning out to be a dull walk through museum halls, but it can be an unforgettable and meaningful experience if you know who to share it with. I am convinced that art already lives in all of us, so there is no point in denying it.
I have been working in art for a long time – I have done art education projects and exhibitions for young contemporary artists from the regions, I carry out artist talks and workshops with invited foreign experts and artists, seminars for art managers. I myself also travel a lot for work, making new professional acquaintances and studying the art of other countries. And even when I travel I still spend a lot of time in museums and galleries for my own leisure. For me it is a form of hedonism. I know how to spend four hours in a Prado museum and not get bored.
Why do people travel? Probably because they don’t fly like birds.
Three things make a person happy – love, an interesting job and the opportunity to travel. Finding something more inspiring in life than traveling with new experiences is difficult.